What is Non-Recourse Factoring?
Like other invoice finance solutions, non-recourse factoring boosts cash flow by releasing cash against the value of your invoices within 24 hours of issue.
As well as providing funding and credit management, non-recourse factoring also incorporates bad debt protection, safeguarding your cash flow against late payment and bad debt, whether due to debtor insolvency or protracted default. Depending on your individual requirements, facilities can be tailored to maximise the level of funding and service provided.
If you’re looking to secure a non-recourse factoring facility, look no further. Hilton-Baird Financial Solutions is a specialist and award-winning invoice finance broker with more than 25 years’ experience of introducing businesses to the most suitable funding partners.
Call us on 0800 9774833 or request a call back to speak to our funding consultants, or get an instant quote below to see how much you could access.